Saturday, April 11, 2009

Dafa is Free!

What is Falun Dafa?

Falun Dafa is a chi gong cultivation system.

What is chi gong?

In China this term is used to mean esoteric side of martial arts. It means magic like in the
hermetic or alchemical traditions or the true philosophical traditions, mystery schools,
secret societies, etc.

Falun Dafa is a cultivation system of ascent. This means it is focused on reaching higher levels.
Approximately 100 million practitioners have cropped up worldwide.

Dafa means "the great law" and is the second round of cultivation. Gong refers to high-energy matter which increases in amount and level thus increasing a person's gong potency. This aspect belongs to the first round of cultivation.

Why are people doing this chi gong? It improves health and raises one's level in accordance with one's shinshing or heart-mind understanding.

Where did it come from? Master Li Hongzhi learned various things from many unknown masters and he used the falun cultivation system but he stepped it down a notch so it could be brought into the public, so anyone could practice it. Thus he is known as the founder of Falun Dafa.

Is there a long line to learn this? Where do I find Master Li Hongzhi?
No there is no line or waiting list. Master Li has moved to the USA since 1999. Ask around.
The persecution of Falun Dafa in China is very extreme. People are beaten and tortured and imprisioned.

What happened in China?

Dafa practitioners have faced various troubles. Imprisionment and forced labor are common. Prisoners are used to make goods for the Chinese Communist Party to sell for profit.
Some prisoners have had their organs harvested and sold on the black market.

Many have been killed and many are still in prision. One common tactic used has been to threaten the practitioners if they don't sign a renouncing statement saying they will stop practicing.

Some practitioners are freed for no apparent reason. The purpose of the Chinese Communist Party in pursuing this persecution is unclear and horrific. You can easily find their propaganda against Falun Dafa online. Some of it is funny becasue it is so far off base.

The persecution however is not funny and Chinese agents have taken action against practitioners in New York. Obviously such foreign policework or whatever they call it does not belong in our US of A.

Why are they attacking these people?
This is not clear. Christians are also persecuted. In fact, in one area of China, if you have more than one child (their laws only allow one), the father is dragged into the street and given a vasectomy in public.

What can I do?
Tell people about this. Just raising awareness about this issue is very helpful to all involved.
Obviously we don't want foreign agents trying to enforce foreign legal policies on our soil!
So you can tell others. You could sign petitions. Write your local officals.

Why hasn't the US invaded China the way it invaded Iraq in order to protect the local populace from its own government? That a very complicated political question. I'm glad I didn't ask it. :)

Are you a practitioner?

I heard practitioners were very politically active. Aren't they always starting riots?
No we are not. We do raise awareness about how fellow practitioners have been treated though.
We carry banners, march in parades, set up tables at big events, and practice, practice, practice
wherever we go to share a fantastic chi gong system which is free!

Does the Chinese Communist Party teaching chi gong? Do they charge a lot? Maybe they are jealous of the competition?
That's an interesting theory. Thanks for your time.